COMBINE Leadership:

COMBINE Faculty by area
- Yiannis Aloimonos (CS/UMIACS)
- Alisa Morss Cline ( ECE)
- William Bentley
- John Cummings
- Niklas Elmqvist (UMIACS/iSchool)
- David Fushman
- Brantley Hall (UMIACS)
- Timothy Horiuchi (ECE/ISR)
- Furong Huang
- Joseph JaJa (UMIACS/ECE)
- Rob Patro (UMAICS)
- Mihai Pop (CS/CBCB)
- James Reggia (CS/UMIACS)
- Eytan Ruppin (CBCB/CS)
- Shihab Shamma (ECE/ISR/NACS)
- Jonathan Simon (ECE/NACS)
- Amitabh Varshney (UMIACS/CS)
Physical and Mathematical Sciences:
- Radu Balan (Math)
- Maria Cameron (Math)
- Michelle Girvan (Physics/IPST/Biophysics/AMSC)
- Christopher Jarzynski (Chem-Biochem/IPST)
- Doron Levy (Math)
- Wolfgang Losert (Physics/IPST/Biophysics)
- Vince Lyzinski (Math)
- Silvina Matysiak (Physics/Math)
- Peter Nemes (Chem-Biochem)
- Edward Ott (Physics/ECE/AMSC)
- Garegin Papioan (Chem-Biochem/Biophysics)
- Rajarshi Roy (Physics/IPST)
- Pratyush Tiwary (Chem-Biochem)
- Arpita Upadhyaya (Physics)
- Jim Yorke (Math/IPST)
Life Sciences:
- Gregory Ball (BSOS/PSYC)
- Edward Bernat (PSYC)
- Daniel Butts (Biology/AMSC/NACS)
- Najib El-Sayed (CBMG/BISI)
- William Fagan (Biology/AMSC)
- Sridhar Hannenhalli (CBMB/CBCB)
- Philip Johnson (Biology)
- Patrick Kanold (ECE/Biology)
- Karen Lips (Biology)
- Zhongchi Liu
- Carlos Machado (CBBG/BEES)
- John Moult (CBMG/BISI)
- Stephen Mount (Biology)
- Quynh Nguyen (SPH)
- Elizabeth Redcay (Psychology/NACS)
- Amy Sapkota (SPH)
- Alexander Shackman (PSYC)
- Carson Smith (SPH)
- Gerald Wilkinson (Biology)
- Shelby Wilson (Biology)
Partner Participants:
- Romina Goldzmid (NCI NIH)
- Dan Larson (NIH)
- Dietmar Plenz (NIH)
- Cenk Sahinalp (NIH)
- John Tsang (NIH)
- Doug Erwin (Smithsonian Institution)
- Pete Marra (Smithsonian Institution)
- Rao Gullapalli (University of Maryland Medical School)
- Owen White (University of Maryland Medical School)