Lightning Workshop 2020

COMBINE Faculty/Student Lightning Workshop: Exploring New Collaborations.

Date and Time: Friday, February 7, 2020 from 12-2pm in the Kay Boardroom (Room 1111) of the Kim Building.

A pizza lunch will be provided.


  • 12-12:40pm: Faculty Lightning Talks and Student Introductions. Faculty will give brief, 2-minute, ‘lightning talks’ about their work. Current and prospective students will also give brief introductions stating their program, career stage, and interests.
  • 12:40pm-1:10pm: Scientific Speed Networking. Participants will meet in a series of pre-assigned, small (2-4 person) groups in order to brainstorm about projects at the intersection of their research interests. Each small group will be asked to generate a title for a research project they might pursue together.
  • 1:10-1:30pm: Discussion. We’ll come together to review ideas and identify those that have the most potential for transformative research.
  • 1:30-2pm: Break Out Groups. Participants will have the opportunity to discuss plans for continued exploration.

What is the purpose of the 
COMBINE Lightning Workshop?

  • To bring together faculty and students to identify exciting areas for future collaboration in areas related to network biology.
  • To serve as an early recruiting event for faculty-identified prospective COMBINE fellows.
  • To help COMBINE Fellows identify out-of-field mentors. (The COMBINE program requires that in addition to a primary advisor, each fellow must identify an out-of-field mentor to help guide their interdisciplinary research.)